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Advanced Python Development Workflow in Emacs
This guide explores how to evolve Emacs into a robust Python IDE. Whether you’re writing simple scripts or managing large-scale projects, you’ll find a setup that aligns with your engineering needs and reflects the power of Emacs customization.

Build a Stable Diffusion VAE From Scratch using Pytorch
Learn how to Build a Stable Diffusion VAE From Scratch using Pytorch. VAE stands for Variational Autoencoder. It's a type of Autoencoder and a neural network that trains using an unsupervised technique. They are widely used in Image generation models mainly on latent diffusion-based and GANs-based image generation models.

Python 3.13.1, 3.12.8, 3.11.11, 3.10.16 and 3.9.21 are now available

An AI-powered hedge fund that uses multiple agents to make trading decisions. The system employs several specialized agents working together.

Creating a Web App using only Python with Taipy
This tutorial teaches you how to create a web application with interactive charts and multiple pages using Python and the Taipy library. Taipy allows you to build these features without needing extensive web development experience.

đź’– Most Popular in the Last Two Weeks

Better, Faster Python Projects: A Deep Dive into uv
A comprehensive guide on why and how to start using uv—the package manager (and much more) that's taken the Python world by storm.

Advanced Python Development Workflow in Emacs
This guide explores how to evolve Emacs into a robust Python IDE. Whether you’re writing simple scripts or managing large-scale projects, you’ll find a setup that aligns with your engineering needs and reflects the power of Emacs customization.

Constraints are Good: Python's Metadata Dilemma
Some of the issues of why Python packaging is unnecessarily hard.

A new home for Python-build-standalone

What’s the dumbest name you give to a variable?

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in đź‡şđź‡¦Ukraine.