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Python 3.13 and the Latest Trends: A Developer’s Guide to 2025
Learn about the exciting new features in Python 3.13. Get insider insights into the latest updates and learn about the plans for Python 3.14.

Python 3.13.0
The newest major release of Python introduces several new features including an improved interactive interpreter, an experimental free-threaded build mode, and a preliminary JIT, along with various optimizations and changes to the standard library.

TypedDicts are better than you think
This post explains how Python’s TypedDict can enhance code clarity and maintainability by enabling more precise type annotations in dictionaries. It discusses how TypedDict ensures type safety and helps with early error detection in dynamic programming environments.

Python client for the $20 Colmi R02 smart ring

Niquests is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. It is a drop-in replacement for Requests, which is under feature freeze.

💖 Most Popular in the Last Two Weeks

Multi-dimensional Sparse Arrays in SciPy
The article explores multi-dimensional sparse arrays and their implementation in scientific computing, focusing on their efficiency in handling large datasets with mostly empty or zero-valued elements. It emphasizes the benefits of sparse arrays for memory optimization and computational performance in various data-heavy applications.

How to Design an AWESOME Function Signature in Python
This video demonstrates how to design a great function header in Python, highlighting aspects that are often overlooked but can significantly impact the quality of the code. Important considerations will be discussed to enhance coding practices and improve overall functionality.

Everything you need to know about Python 3.13 – JIT and GIL went up the hill

Refactoring Python with Tree-sitter and Jedi

What Can a Coffee Machine Teach You About Python's Functions?

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in 🇺🇦Ukraine.