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Build a Stable Diffusion VAE From Scratch using Pytorch
Learn how to Build a Stable Diffusion VAE From Scratch using Pytorch. VAE stands for Variational Autoencoder. It's a type of Autoencoder and a neural network that trains using an unsupervised technique. They are widely used in Image generation models mainly on latent diffusion-based and GANs-based image generation models.

Python 3.13.1, 3.12.8, 3.11.11, 3.10.16 and 3.9.21 are now available

An AI-powered hedge fund that uses multiple agents to make trading decisions. The system employs several specialized agents working together.

Creating a Web App using only Python with Taipy
This tutorial teaches you how to create a web application with interactive charts and multiple pages using Python and the Taipy library. Taipy allows you to build these features without needing extensive web development experience.

A Drop-in Efficient Pytorch Implementation of ESM.

💖 Most Popular in the Last Two Weeks

Better, Faster Python Projects: A Deep Dive into uv
A comprehensive guide on why and how to start using uv—the package manager (and much more) that's taken the Python world by storm.

Constraints are Good: Python's Metadata Dilemma
Some of the issues of why Python packaging is unnecessarily hard.

An Open Source implementation of Notebook LM with more flexibility and features.

A new home for Python-build-standalone

What’s the dumbest name you give to a variable?

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in 🇺🇦Ukraine.