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Switching from virtualenvwrapper to direnv, Starship, and uv
Earlier this week I considered whether I should finally switch away from virtualenvwrapper to using ...

A tool for embedding Python into .NET projects.

uv IS the Future of Python Packaging
The video discusses the recent release of UV 0.3.0, a Python packaging tool that aims to streamline the development workflow by integrating features that allow it to serve as a comprehensive solution for managing Python projects. The presenter highlights its speed, ease of use, and potential to replace existing tools, while also addressing current limitations and areas for improvement in...

Django: Introducing Djade, a template formatter
Happy DjangoCon US 2024 to you. Whilst I am not there, I have adopted the spirit of the season and ...

Scaling AI-Based Data Processing with Hugging Face + Dask
The article demonstrates how to scale AI-based data processing using Hugging Face and Dask, progressing from processing 100 rows locally with pandas to handling 211 million rows across multiple GPUs in the cloud. It showcases the use of Dask for distributed computing, enabling efficient data loading, preprocessing of large datasets, and parallel model inference, with a practical example ...

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Multi-dimensional Sparse Arrays in SciPy
The article explores multi-dimensional sparse arrays and their implementation in scientific computing, focusing on their efficiency in handling large datasets with mostly empty or zero-valued elements. It emphasizes the benefits of sparse arrays for memory optimization and computational performance in various data-heavy applications.

How to Design an AWESOME Function Signature in Python
This video demonstrates how to design a great function header in Python, highlighting aspects that are often overlooked but can significantly impact the quality of the code. Important considerations will be discussed to enhance coding practices and improve overall functionality.

Everything you need to know about Python 3.13 – JIT and GIL went up the hill

Refactoring Python with Tree-sitter and Jedi

What Can a Coffee Machine Teach You About Python's Functions?

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