PythonHub Logo Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2022-12-25

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💖 Most Popular

Python package for statistical data animations.

Run Jupyter notebooks as jobs.

It’s time to stop using Python 3.7
Python 3.7 will stop getting security updates in June 2023. Given the existence of 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11, you really should upgrade.

Maintain a clean architecture in Python with dependency rules

openai / baselines
OpenAI Baselines: high-quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms

📖 Articles

Boring Python: Code quality

Python 3.11 Delivers

An Introduction to Monitoring Microservices with Prometheus and Grafana
This article will introduce how you can set up monitoring on your microservice application using two of the popular tools in this space, Prometheus , and Grafana .

Signed distance functions in 46 lines of Python

Text-to-Image: Diffusion, Text Conditioning, Guidance, Latent Space
The fundamentals of text-to-image generation, relevant papers, and experimenting with DDPM.

Python Functions Master Class 2023
Master Functions in Python and Deploy to AWS, GCP, and Azure while learning click, pythonfire and FastAPI.

paperswithcode / galai

ShoufaChen / DiffusionDet
PyTorch implementation of DiffusionDet (

thewhiteh4t / nexfil
OSINT tool for finding profiles by username

The History and rationale of the Python 3 Unicode model for the operating system

Finding JIT Optimizer Bugs using SMT Solvers and Fuzzing
This post describes a recent bug finding technique that I've added to the PyPy JIT testing infrastructure. This technique uses the Z3 theorem prover to find bugs in the optimizer of PyPy's JIT, in particular its integer operation optimizations.

⚙️ Projects

A smart terminal assistant that helps you find the right command.

Open-source natural language enrichments at your fingertips.

👾 Reddits

Normally I teach Python as a CS professor. Now I’m developing a programming game where you can apply your Python skills to different coding challenges.

Hey everyone, I’m the guy whose web app did really well here last week. It was a web app to help people who are struggling. Ironically, today I was let go from my job.

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in 🇺🇦Ukraine.