PythonHub Logo Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2021-04-25

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đź’– Most Popular

Matplotlib is Dead. Long life to Plotly Express!

How you can Control your Android Device with Python
Learn how to use the ADB tools with Python to…

Automate Microsoft Excel and Word using Python
Integrate Excel with Word to generate automated reports…

7 Must-Try GUI Libraries in Python
Tools to help you build interactive GUIs

Multiple Time Series Forecasting with PyCaret
A step-by-step tutorial on forecasting multiple time…

đź“– Articles

OpenCV Haar Cascades
In this tutorial, you will learn about OpenCV Haar Cascades and how to apply them to real-time ...

6 Python Container Data Types You Should Know
Nailing high-level data structure tools in Python

4 Top Python IDE for Data Scientists
Jupyter Notebook IDE alternative you want to use

Image Classification Basics
A picture is worth a thousand words.— English idiom We’ve heard this adage countless times ...

What You Need To Get Started With Quantum Machine Learning
Even if you’re not a mathematician or a…

Battle of the Python Dashboarding Giants: Streamlit vs. Dash vs. VoilĂ  vs. Panel

Logging Virtual Race Results with Selenium, Cron and Python

The Deep Learning Classification Pipeline
Based on our previous two sections on image classification and types of learning algorithms, you ...

Unifying the CUDA Python Ecosystem

Urwid - Console user interface library for Python

⚙️ Projects

đź‘ľ Reddits

Flask 2.0 is coming, please help us test

[Code Release] We created a fully autonomous YouTube channel that uploads daily self-created Twitch gaming compilations. It was a 100-day experiment that is now over. We spend many hours documenting everything and are sharing our four repositories with this post. Enjoy!

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in đź‡şđź‡¦Ukraine.