PythonHub Logo Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2021-03-28

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đź’– Most Popular

Write interactive web app in script way.

Switch-Case Statements Are Coming to Python
The newest release shows the new logic

Why decorators in Python are pure genius
Analyze, test, and re-use your code with little more than an…

Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet (2021), Python for Data Science
The absolute basics for beginners learning…

5 Principles to write SOLID Code (examples in Python)
A guide to write better code with the help of…

đź“– Articles

Datapane’s New Features: Create a Beautiful Dashboard in Python in a Few Lines of Code

Building a full-text search engine in 150 lines of Python code

How to make money in the stock market using Python?
Trading strategies that make sure you are one step…

Creating a dashboard using Python to track critical financial and economic indicators

How to Run 30 Machine Learning Models with 2 Lines of Code
Learn how to run multiple machine learning…

“Find the Difference” in Python
Difflib — A hidden gem in Python built-in libraries

Multivariate Outlier Detection in Python
Multivariate Outliers and Mahalanobis Distance in Python

8 Image Processing Python Packages That You Must Try
Let’s make our images look better

Music in Python
Signal Processing in Musical Terms and Music Theory Visualization

Python Excel integration with Xlwings
Give wings to your Excel with Python Xlwings

Two outlier detection techniques you should know in 2021
Elliptic Envelope and IQR-based detection

fit() vs predict() vs fit_predict() in Python scikit-learn
What’s the difference between fit, predict…

Two Cool Functions To Know in Python
Learn how to make tables with tabulate and show progress bars…

3 Lessons I Have Learned After I Started Working as a Data Scientist
What I would have done…

From Messy to Neat with Python Pandas
A practical tutorial

HTTP Compression - boost your server’s speed
Improve latency and cost by enabling web-server…

Making Your First Kaggle Submission
An easy-to-understand guide to getting started with competitions…

Interfaces and Protocols
Some of you read my previous post on typing.Protocols and probably wondered: “what about ...

Using slots in Python: limit dynamic attribute creation and improve speed
When we create classes, one of the biggest challenges is understanding how to handle dynamic ...

⚙️ Projects

sqlalchemy / sqlalchemy
The Database Toolkit for Python

google / model_search

bridgecrewio / checkov
Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for Terraform, Cloudformation, Kubernetes, Serverless framework and other infrastructure-as-code-languages with Checkov by Bridgecrew.

đź‘ľ Reddits

Making A Synthesizer Using Python

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in đź‡şđź‡¦Ukraine.