PythonHub Logo Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2024-07-28

đź’– Most Popular

Finding Simple Rewrite Rules for the JIT with Z3

Korvus is a search SDK that unifies the entire RAG pipeline in a single database query. Built on top of Postgres with bindings for Python, JavaScript, Rust and C.

PyTorch Lightning: A Comprehensive Hands-On Tutorial
This comprehensive, hands-on tutorial teaches you how to simplify deep learning model development with PyTorch Lightning. Perfect for beginners and experienced developers alike, it covers environment setup, model training, and practical examples.

AI Dialer
A full stack app for interruptible, low-latency and near-human quality AI phone calls built from stitching LLMs, speech understanding tools, text-to-speech models, and Twilio’s phone API.

A Python Epoch Timestamp Timezone Trap
This is an article about a Python epoch timestamp timezone trap. It discusses how epoch timestamps can be tricky to work with in Python, especially when dealing with timezones. The author provides a few tips for avoiding the trap.

đź“– Articles

Transcribing Audio with Python on Your Local Machine
If you don't want to pay for a service to transcribe your audio, you can generate it easily on your own machine with a little setup. Here's how.

Resource management and generators in Python
The article explores resource management and cleanup behavior in Python generators, highlighting unexpected issues when generators are not fully consumed. It demonstrates various scenarios, including the use of context managers and the finally clause, to ensure proper cleanup and resource management in generator functions.

Deno-Python – A Debugging Story

Python Practical Package Packing 2024

Build a search index in Python
How can search engines be so fast? While there are many parts of a search system, one of the key concepts to know is the inverted index.

A helper for LLM SDKs
LLMEasyTools generates tool schemas and executes function calls received from the LLM.

mem0ai / mem0
The memory layer for Personalized AI

snakers4 / silero-vad
Silero VAD: pre-trained enterprise-grade Voice Activity Detector

MervinPraison / PraisonAI
PraisonAI application combines AutoGen and CrewAI or similar frameworks into a low-code solution for building and managing multi-agent LLM systems, focusing on simplicity, customisation, and efficient human-agent collaboration. Chat with your ENTIRE Codebase.

Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2024-07-21

⚙️ Projects

Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices.

MobileLLM Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases. In ICML 2024.

A fast and tunable vector search extension for SQLite.

kaskade is a text user interface for kafka, which allows you to interact and consume topics from your terminal in style!

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in đź‡şđź‡¦Ukraine.