PythonHub Logo Python Hub Weekly Digest for 2020-09-13

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💖 Most Popular

Tutorial: Web Scraping with Python Using Beautiful Soup
The internet is an absolutely massive source of data. Unfortunately, the vast majority if it ...

Ditch Excel! — A Primer to Python
Pandas one-liners for popular excel stuff

5 Essential Python Tricks to Make Your Code More Clean, Readable, & Elegant
Enhance your Python…

Python API Tutorial: Getting Started with APIs
In this Python API tutorial, we’ll learn how to retrieve data for data science projects. There are ...

OCR a document, form, or invoice with Tesseract, OpenCV, and Python
In this tutorial, you will learn how to OCR a document, form, or invoice using Tesseract, ...

📖 Articles

How To Build A Real-time Data Pipeline For An Online Store Using Apache Beam, Pub/Sub, and SQL

10 Cool Python Project Ideas for Python Developers
A list of interesting ideas and projects you can…

How to Use Jupyter Notebook in 2020: A Beginner’s Tutorial
What is Jupyter Notebook?The Jupyter Notebook is an incredibly powerful tool for interactively ...

Software Engineering Tips and Best Practices for Data Science
With great code comes great machine…

fastcore: An Underrated Python Library
A unique python library that extends the python programming language and provides utilities that enhance productivity.

Python List Comprehension
Become a List Comprehension Expert

Deploy APIs With Python and Docker
A definitive guide to deploying APIs with Flask, Docker and Google…

Python Decorators — 5 Advanced Features to Know
Take advantage of Python decorators in your project

What is ML? | Application & Types of ML

XGBoost in Python : Number One on the podium with the Ultimate Machine Learning Throne.

If You are Web Scraping Don’t Do These Things
Create better web scrapers by avoiding these common…

A hygienic Python setup for Linux, Mac, and WSL
Python dependency management is known to be bad. This post details how I set up my Python environment to be as hygienic as possible.

How to Extract Data From Existing Series and DataFrame in Pandas
Explore the power of map() and…

The First Step in Bayesian Time Series— Linear Regression
State-Space Models in Bayesian Time Series…

pre-commit hooks you must know
Boost your productivity and code quality in 5 minutes

TensorFlow1.x vs TensorFlow2.0 vs PyTorch
This post compares the popular deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow 1.x, TensorFlow 2.0 and ...

Announcing the release of seaborn 0.11

Async Views in Django 3.1
Writing asynchronous code gives you the ability to speed up your application with little effort.

Do You Post Too Much? Analyze Your Personal Facebook Data with Python
As of Q2 2020, Facebook claims more than 2.7 billion active users. That means that if you're ...

Python Yield – What does the yield keyword do?
Adding yield keyword to a function will make the function return a generator object that can be ...

Function Definition in Python
Defining Functions in Python

What Will Be the Best Back-End Framework for 2021?
Node.js/Express vs. Django vs. Spring Boot

Top 10 Data Science and AI Blogs in 2020
Some of the Data Science and AI blogs I like to read, from…

⚙️ Projects

intelowlproject / IntelOwl
Intel Owl: analyze files, domains, IPs in multiple ways from a single API at scale

TensorSpeech / TensorFlowTTS
😝 TensorFlowTTS: Real-Time State-of-the-art Speech Synthesis for Tensorflow 2 (supported including English, Korean, Chinese and Easy to adapt for other languages)

google / latexify_py
Generates LaTeX math description from Python functions.

aristocratos / bpytop
Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor

naiveHobo / InvoiceNet
Deep neural network to extract intelligent information from invoice documents.

magicleap / Atlas
Atlas: End-to-End 3D Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images

ml-jku / hopfield-layers
Hopfield Networks is All You Need

blackberry / pe_tree

👾 Reddits

Facial Detection with python in just 2 mims [tutorial]

Ultimate Python study guide

Web Scraping 1010 with Python

[OC] How to use Selenium and Selenium webdriver manager to login to a website with Python

I made a terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects!

I made a Spotify ad stopper because I was too poor for Premium. It automatically detects when an ad plays and then restarts Spotify in the background. It's my first project after escaping tutorial hell and I'd love any feedback you guys have!

Map Creator made using python

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Project by Ruslan Keba. Since 2012. Powered by Python. Made in 🇺🇦Ukraine.